O desenhista Adrien Noterdaem (+siga-o no Twitter) é ilustrador, diretor de arte e trabalha como designer na empresa Brussels, da Bélgica.
Ele está famoso por colocar os traços do Simpsons em atores, personagens famosos do cinema e das séries americanas. Esta “pincelada artística” é chamada de Simpsonized (algo como simpsonizar, em português) .
Confira alguns de seus desenhos:
Deadpool movie / Simpsonized by ADN
Sense 8, da Netflix
Paul Rust and Gillian Jacobs in Netflix series “Love” / Simpsonized by ADN
Hector Escaton from HBO’s Westworld / Simpsonized by ADN
Iron Man / Simpsonized by ADN
Doctor Strange / Simpsonized by ADN
Netflix’s Stranger Things / Simpsonized by ADN
Will from Netflix’s Stranger Things / Simpsonized by ADN
Jon / “Game Of Thrones” / Simpsonized by ADN
Marilyn Monroe / Simpsonized by ADN
Walter White & Jesse Pinkman from “Breaking Bad” / Simpsonized by ADN
Superman from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice / Simpsonized by ADN
Heavy armored Batman from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice / Simpsonized by ADN
Wonder Woman from Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice / Simpsonized by ADN
Rocky Balboa as seen in “Rocky IV” during his training in the mountains / Simpsonized by ADN
“Mmmmh… This is a tasty burger!” / Jules Winnifield (Samuel L. Jackson) and Vincent Vega (John Travolta) from “Pulp Fiction” / Simpsonized by ADN
Netflix’s Orange Is The New Black / Simpsonized by ADN
Mad Max Fury Road / Simpsonized by ADN
Hector Salamanca (Quick test with an animated version) / Simpsonized by ADN
The Last Man On Earth / Simpsonized by ADN
Constantemente, Adrian está divulgando novos desenhos.
+ CONFIRA A LISTA COMPLETA de seus personagens Simpsonized (simpsoniados)